Jul 30, 2015

Global Micro High Speed Fibre Event – 08/2015

Discover hybrid cloud excellence at speeds of up to 10Gbps!

WHEN & WHERE: 25 Aug 2015, 08:00 AM - 11:30 AM| Microsoft SA, 3012 William Nicol, Bryanston

Microsoft, MetroFibre Networx and Global Micro Solutions would like to invite you to a session focused on demonstrating how the partnership between local cloud and a connectivity service provider can benefit clients to connect and transition to a hybrid cloud solution.

Gary Williams, Head of Engineering at MetroFibre Networx, will showcase an exceptionally cost effective alternative to migrating services to the cloud.

Nick Keene, Senior Cloud Sales Manager at Microsoft, will be sharing how Microsoft, through their license mobility, allows enterprise customers to consume locally hosted Windows Azure services hosted by Global Micro. He will also discuss the importance of using a local cloud service provider and how they have helped significant businesses to "Cloud Enable" their business.

JJ Milner, Founder and CEO of Global Micro and Demetri Petropoulos who is Global Micro's Head of Business Development, will be sharing how their clients have managed to address the concerns faced around security, compliance, systems and business compatibility for cloud, and the proximity and connectivity requirements. They will present on topics related to:

  • License Mobility,
  • Disaster Recovery Capabilities,
  • Cloud Workspace Suites,
  • Hybrid Cloud Deployment Models,
  • Migration Assistance

Please join us for this exciting event


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

08h00 - 09h00: Registration

09h00 - 11h30: Breakfast Event


Microsoft SA

3012 William Nicol,



08h00 - 09h00Registration (breakfast to be provided)
09h00 - 09h15Welcome: The benefits of using a local Hoster and How Microsoft, through their license mobility, allows enterprise customers to consume locally hosted Windows Azure services - Nick Keene: Market Opportunity - MS Cloud OS
09h15 - 09h45Introduction/Overview of MetroFibre Networx services and how to migrate your data to the cloud at no additional charge - Gary Williams, Head of Engineering - MetroFibre Networx
09h45 - 10h45A showcase of flexible hybrid cloud scenarios provided by Global Micro services and technology enabling companies to address the concerns faced around security, compliance and business compatibility for cloud - JJ Milner: CEO - Global Micro Solutions & Demetri Petropoulos: Head of Business Development
10h45 - 11h30Q&A and Networking

Follow the link to view more and to register