Sunninghill and Barbeque Downs gets FTTH
Working with the local Sunninghill ratepayers association, MetroFibre was selected as the area’s preferred FTTH supplier, enabling residents access to high-speed fibre and data services right to the home.
The first estate in Sunninghill went live in June 2015, subsequently a further six have been completed, with 14 more to follow suit, and further construction happening in excess of 10 additional estates.
MetroFibre is aiming to connect more than 6000 residential properties within the Sunninghill area into its FTTH network by the middle of 2016. The company has also extended network access to include Barbeque Downs.
Working hand with the Sunninghill Ratepayers Association, MetroFibre will also be providing fibre access for the security cameras in Sunninghill , at no cost to the residents.
MetroFibre is supported by its active shareholder – Sanlam Private Equity (SPE).
In 2013 Sanlam invested in the managed open access fibre network and broadband fibre provider and has representation on the MetroFibre board. Sanlam invested in MetroFibre to grow its own fibre network, marking its first investment of this nature.
MetroFibre, which was founded in 2010, is looking to take a slice of the Fibre to the Home (FTTH) market, while also extending its globally compliant network and services to local service providers.
MetroFibre’s residential offerings include network connectivity that boasts speeds up to 1,000 megabits per second, facilitating super-fast downloads, streaming TV, unparalleled gaming as well as access to cloud solutions. The company has a series of packages suited for the small and home office, body corporates, and property developers.
To check if there is fibre in your area or if you qualify for this service visit www.sunninghillfibre.co.za or www.bbqdownsfibre.co.za or contact Caryl on 087 151 4000. Should you have a general query about fibre in your area please visit www.iwantfibre.co.za.